Okay... Here are all of the files required for glibc2 support under Corel LinuxOS 1.1. Included are files that are required by WordPerfect Office 2000 for Linux, as that was used to gage the effectiveness of the upgrade (WINE is a pain and uses internal library calls... arg....) The order of installation is as follows: dpkg -i ldso_1.9.11-7.deb dpkg -i libc6_2.1.3-8.deb dpkg -i libncurses5_5.0-6.deb dpkg -i libncurses4_4.2-9.deb dpkg -i xpm4g_3.4k-5.deb ./fix_links The user will be presented with a bunch of errors when dpkg runs ldconfig to update the library settings and cache, that is normal. The fix_links script *SHOULD* fix up all of the symbolic links, as required. I will be doing some more testing of this on my end to verify the functionality. WordPerfect Office 2000 *MUST* be re-installed after this upgrade. There is probably other software that will need to be fixed up, but I haven't ran in to any here. Just to re-iterate -- This is an unsupported upgrade. It has NOT been regression tested and should be used at the risk of causing a nuclear melt-down! That said, send any bug reports to rakr@home.com Glad to help! -- Richard Rak