Fixing the Corel LinuxOS Source Tree By: Richard Rak The problem with the kernel source tree in Corel Linux stems from the problem with the installed kernel headers. The kernel headers that are installed with Corel Linux are from version 2.0.36 while we are using kernel 2.2.14. To solve this problem, first the kernel sources have to be extracted. Next, a symbolic link should be created using the following command "ln -s /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.14 /usr/src/linux". The next command will fix problems with the kernel headers. First, type the command "rm -Rf /usr/include/asm /usr/include/linux". Then, the commands "ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux /usr/include/linux" and "ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/asm /usr/include/asm"will create the necessary symbolic links. To finish off the procedures, go to /usr/src/linux, and type cp /boot/config-2.2.14 .config and then type "make oldconfig" and "make dep" to finish building the default Corel LinuxOS kernel configuration. Here are the procedures (in point form): cd /usr/src tar -zxvf kernel-source-2.2.14.tar.gz ln -s kernel-sources-2.2.14 linux cd /usr/include rm -Rf asm linux ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/asm asm ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux linux cd /usr/src/linux cp /boot/config-2.2.14 .config make oldconfig make dep After this change, all third party drivers should compile / install fine. This is also unsupported.